Uganda currently has one of the youngest populations in the world with more than 78% of its 40 million people below the age of 30, of those 13.3% are unemployed and 26% are largely underemployed. Youth unemployment has been attributed to the narrow size of the formal employment sector and the limited engagement of youth in the agricultural sector that employs more than 85% of the rural population.

Skills development is a primary means of enabling young people to make a smooth transition to work. A comprehensive approach is required to integrate young women and men in the labour market, including relevant and quality skills training, labour market information, career guidance and employment services, recognition of prior learning, incorporating entrepreneurship with training and effective skills forecasting. Improved basic education and core work skills are particularly important to enable youth to engage in lifelong learning as well as transition to the labour market. 

Inspire Youth For Development is supplementing the efforts for youth skills development through enrolling youth in vocational studies, provision of start-up support (start-up kits, small grants, financial service linkages, youth business competitions)business coaching and savings promotion; Enterprise development and linking youth to relevant market opportunities through apprenticeships (match-making) and internships, provision of on-going coaching and mentoring including financial and market linkages;

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